Camping vehicle out of storage? Check the batteries and if there are any updates available for app and Starter Package!



In the E-Trailer app, there are 3 screens that show/support the functions  of the E-Suspension:

  • Screen 1: image of the 2 air suspensions that can be operated, as well as 3 hotkeys to quickly switch to a desired mode. In the settings, the various modes can be pre-programmed. Standard designations are:
    – Drive (D)
    – Custom (C)
    – Max (M)
    Once a name is changed, it will appear on the main screen and the letter in the box is the first letter of the new name.
  • Screen 2: image of the 2 air suspensions and buttons to add or remove air per side or a double arrow to add or remove air both at the same time.
  • Screen 3: image of top view of the vehicle to show whether the vehicle is level. There are also buttons to add or remove air per side or a double arrow to add or remove air both at once.

Values do not update or are incorrect

You can operate the E-Suspension by simply using the buttons on one of the 3 screens.

Values in the app do not update

If the values in the app do not update, the following may be the case:

  • Is the Starter Package turned on? Check that, for example, the E-Volt or E-Level is functioning. Learn more about the Starter Package Basis or Plus.
  • Is the distance between sensor and main module less than 10m?
  • Is the phone connected with Bluetooth?
  • Is no one else connected to the system? In case you connect via Bluetooth, only one device can be connected to the system at a time.
  • There may be a problem with the cables or compressor. In this case, contact SMV-Metall technical support.  

Values in the app are not correct

If the values in the app do not match, the installation may not have gone well. In the app, the system can be recalibrated. See how to do it here. When that doesn’t help,contact SMV-Metall technical support.

Technical support – hardware:

SMV-Metall GmbH

Technical support can be reached by pressing the button below. You will then be redirected to SMV-Metall’s website.

Support E-Trailer app:

E-Trailer B.V.

You can reach us by sending a message via the contact form. We will reply within 3 working days.