We are closed on Ascension Day (9 and 10 May) and on Pentecost 20 May.



In the app, various settings can be adjusted to your preference. When you have installed E-Level, you can still make adjustments in the settings. To do this, go to the E-Level module in the app and click on settings at the bottom left.

General E-Level settings

  • Use smartphone orientation
    You can turn your phone into a spirit level. Flip this slider, and your phone will function as a spirit level.
  • Reverse the direction of the E-Level
    If the picture of the camping vehicle is wrong in the app, you can turn the slider here to show the drawbar/front on the right side.
  • Change dimensions
    Here you can adjust the different lengths entered during the calibration process:
    • Width
    • Length
      – Caravan: the total length, including the drawbar
      – Motorhome: The length between the wheels, at the point where the wheels touch the ground.
  • Recalibrate
    When you want to recalibrate the E-Level, you do not need to scan the QR code. Simply click Recalibrate here and you go through the calibration process again step by step. See the installation page for how to do this for a motor home.


  • Show tips
    If, while levelling your vehicle, you want to see on the screen which side to raise or lower, turn this slider on.
  • Preferences
    Here you can specify whether you want to see the tips in centimetres or inches.


No specific messages can be set for the E-Level. When levelling your caravan or motorhome, you can see on the screen where the ball is located. If the ball is orange, you are not yet level. If it is green, your vehicle is level.