Starter Package Plus
Home » Starter Package Plus » Starter Package Plus Support » Starter Package Plus Settings
In the app, various settings can be adjusted to your preference. The Starter Package Plus is not itself a module that provides alerts and has no specific settings itself.
While calibrating the Starter Package Plus, a number of things are asked.
- The connection to via Bluetooth is checked, this requires Bluetooth to be switched on on the phone.
- Next, it checks for software updates of the Starter Package Plus, for downloading and installing updates, the app needs an internet connection.
- It is prompted to set up the internet connection, this is about activating the internal SIM card and checking the GPS connection for the E-Track&Trace. More information about this process can be read on the E -Track&Trace page.
The E-level is currently not calibrated during the installation of the Starter Package Plus. Should you notice after the installation of your Starter Package Plus that your E-Level does not properly indicate the level, it is best to recalibrate it.
Do you have questions about activating or managing your subscription? Then please check the specific subscription page.
More information on various settings is explained in the section on the E-Trailer app.