Our team will be at the CMT fair in Stuttgart from 16 to 26 January. This may cause some delays in our support.

Starter Package Plus

Values do not update

If the values of one module do not update, please check the support page of the module concerned.

If the values of all modules do not update, check the following points:

  • Is the Starter Package Plus  switched on and is sufficient voltage being supplied? When you remove power from your system, the internal battery takes over. The system is programmed so that in case of power failure, only the E-Track&Trace will still function. All other modules will therefore not update when the power is off.
  • For example, do the E-Level or E-Volt modules work as expected?
  • Is the distance between sensor and Starter Package Plus and between phone and Starter Pack Plus less than 10 m?
  • Is the phone connected with Bluetooth?
  • Is the phone connected to the internet?
  • Is no one else connected to the Starter Package Plus via Bluetooth?
  • Is the sensor that does not update switched on and is the battery not dead?
  • Is your subscription still valid?
Should you still not get good values after checking these steps, check the status of the LED on the Starter Package Plus.