Camping vehicle out of storage? Check the batteries and if there are any updates available for app and Starter Package!




The E-Gas level can be wiped off with a damp cloth.

When inserting the E-Gaslevel, make sure that the rubber cap is not damaged and that it does not shift during use. This cap is necessary for data processing and cannot be replaced. A damaged cap will render the sensor unusable. If necessary, sand the underside of the gas bottle lightly with a sandpaper to remove any unevenness.
If necessary, lubricate the rubber with some  dielectric grease (e.g. silicone grease/tap grease) before attaching the module to the tank. This can enhance the signal a little.

Updating systeem

It is important to regularly check for updates to the software. Click here for more information on Updating the Starter Package Basic or Plus.